1. Redesigning the future
After more than 20 years of professional experience in Business Management, Consulting, Financial Industry, quitting a well-paid job and a comfortable situation might sound like
After more than 20 years of professional experience in Business Management, Consulting, Financial Industry, quitting a well-paid job and a comfortable situation might sound like
Prosperity is not an absolute value that can be reached collectively or individually. It is a relative notion dependent on the social expectations of individuals, linked to the relative income of the individual to the rest of the society.
The mission of a society is to bring prosperity to its members. This prosperity can be measured by the provision to the population of goods
Unlimited growth is not only built on approximations, uncertainties, and imperfections, it starts with a wrong assumption. There is no need any more to explain
If one can admit that social business is a purpose-led matter (social problem solving) designed to fit the profit-driven economic model, the importance of being “economically sustainable” raises the risk of monetizing what makes our social cohesion
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