Being an atypical profile and in charge of « Innovation », I facilitated numerous strategic workshops, where executives try to design the future of their businesses.
But none of them considered the most documented, science-based prospective about our future: Climate Change
There is no such blind as the one who doesn’t want to see…
I founded transition.lu to help organizations using their own talents and resources to transform and engage in a necessary transition where change is the new norm based on an unique approach: H–U–R–A

Companies are investing millions for the employee well-being. But putting Human First is no longer about Client or Employee Experience but about Human Experience

Because planting trees will not save the planet, because electric cars won't solve our issues, we need to truly understand what science says

Once we understand what our social foundations and planetary boundaries are, we can (re)think our mission as individual, citizen or corporate and what impact we want to make

Set Up Your Action Plan. Instability is the norm; get ready to adapt. We cannot plan for everything. But we can plan to recover and thrive anytime… Set up a collective and shared Action Plan to define the right priorities and the right focus.
Sharing my thoughts

1. Redesigning the future
After more than 20 years of professional experience in Business Management, Consulting, Financial Industry, quitting a well-paid job and a comfortable situation might sound like